Those earning less than $40,000 most likely to quit

Many working professionals are likely to experience stress at some point in their career, but for some, there is a breaking point.
One in four working Canadians has left a job due to stress and 17 per cent have considered it, according to a Monster Canada survey of 1,057 employees.
Overall, 58 per cent of working Canadians say that they are overworked.
“Working Canadians are under a lot of pressure on the job,” said Monster Canada general manager Angela Payne. “This, coupled with personal commitments and a desire to advance professionally, may be creating a heightened sense of stress at work.”
“For employers, this can lead to a worrying combination of decreased productivity and reduced staff retention.”
Canadians earning less than $40,000 are the most likely to say they’ve left a job due to stress, at 38 per cent, according to the survey.
Twenty-seven per cent of workers in the next earning bracket ($40,000 to $59,000) have also said goodbye to an employer due to overwhelming job stress.
“For those starting out in their careers, saying yes to opportunities can be second nature. But the work can add up fast, which may impact stress levels,” said Payne. “These findings suggest that employers should consider focusing more retention efforts on employees making under $40,000 since they may be prone to excessive job stress.”
Employees in Quebec are the most likely to say they’re overworked, at 64 per cent, followed by Ontarians at 61 per cent.
West Coasters are the least overworked at 41 per cent.
Despite the many working Canadians who report feeling overworked, nearly two-thirds (65 per cent) agree that their employer supports work-life balance.