Webinar, hosted by the experts at CloudMD, outlines procedures to help employers mitigate costs and expedite return to work

While employee absences due to work-related injuries can end up costing companies thousands of dollars, many HR leaders are unsure about how to tackle workers’ compensation claims to contain unnecessary expenses and minimize return to work (RTW) lag times.
CloudMD, a provider of workplace health & wellness services offers a solution to address this complex challenge by providing professional consulting services for all workers compensation matters across Canada. CloudMD can expedite workers’ compensation processes, secure optimal savings, and manage an employee’s journey from injury to RTW.
“Our team handles workers’ compensation claims from beginning to end, streamlining the process for the employer, while removing the heavy workload from their plates,” says Cally Pearce, account manager, workers’ compensation services, CloudMD. “We investigate claims at the onset, reviewing for validity and challenging the claim if required. We also assist employers in offering employees suitable and sustainable modified work duties which align with their abilities, and additionally, will review an injured employee’s prior claim history to uncover potential impacts on either recovery or sustainable return to work plans.”
To help you understand what you can do to prevent costly claims oversights, register now for CloudMD’s upcoming webinar on the 5 Things Most People Miss When It Comes to Workers’ Compensation Claims to learn more.
Hosted by Pearce and CloudMD EVP & COO Adam Kelly, 5 Things Most People Miss When It Comes to Workers’ Compensation Claims is a free masterclass that will teach participants how to mitigate claims expenses, how to reduce the risk of workplace injuries, and how you can access professional support throughout to eliminate error and maintain best practices. The session will also include stories from the field to prepare HR and company leaders for a range of scenarios to guide future claims management activities.
Workers’ compensation involves direct and indirect costs that must be understood to be properly managed. For every dollar spent on workplace injuries, an employer can end up paying $4-$10 dollars in direct or indirect costs. Without an expert’s guidance on these matters, claim costs can soar, as can premiums and RTW lag times.
“WCB legislation is always changing,” says Pearce. “For example, many employers don’t realize that Ontario introduced a new rate framework in 2020. That, along with the ever-evolving policy changes to the COVID-19 virus, continues to impact WCB claims across every industry.”
Pearce says the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) no longer operates under New Experimental Experience Ratings (NEER), and that under the current framework some companies might be improperly classified. This is something CloudMD helps HR leaders screen for to ensure they receive the best returns and the premium rates they’re entitled to.
CloudMD also helps employers provide a range of supports employees may need to convalesce more rapidly and return to work safely. Services can include independent medical exams, advice from ergonomists, medical reviews, digitally delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and more.
At the administrative level, CloudMD liaises with the appropriate Board on their client’s behalf to ensure a timely and approved RTW plan is put into place and will represent companies at claims tribunals should that be a requirement.
“As a claims manager, it is our duty to keep company stakeholders apprised of the happenings in the claim,” says Pearce. “Think of CloudMD as a claims quarterback - managing files is their day-to-day job, not just a one-off task. Our services benefit any company, no matter the size, by providing subject matter experts that ensure the best cost savings on each and every file.”
Find out how you can mitigate and contain claims expenses, improve workplace productivity, and avoid unnecessary RTW lag times.
Register for CloudMD’s 5 Things Most People Miss When It Comes to Workers’ Compensation Claims webinar to gain all the insights you’ll need to tackle any compensation challenge going forward.