Dynamic has introduced a new single use eyewash bottle. The sterilized eyewash has a sealed...

Dynamic has introduced a new single use eyewash bottle. The sterilized eyewash has a sealed removable cap for a complete sterile single use bottle. Most have a three-year shelf life for low cost and ease of maintenance use. Dynamic has also introduced a Bio Med aerosol eyewash. Bio Med is sterilized water in a very convenient lightweight aluminum bottle. Bio Med can freeze then thaw and still be good to use. It’s ideal for use in remote locations or in toolboxes or vehicles. Simply hold near the eye and spray a soft, light mist to remove dust and dirt. This is a very handy product not only for removing small amounts of dust or dirt from the eye but also for cleansing small cuts, says Dynamic. These products have a natural product number (NPN) issued by Health Canada. www.dsisafety.com.