New offering for workplace safety in logistics environments

The smart Cray X Power Suit from German is a new ergonomics offering for workplace safety in logistics environments. By actively supporting the lifting of loads and enabling the important task of manual handling to be integrated into digital processes, it helps to protect workers and enhance productivity while simultaneously facilitating more sustainable and responsible corporate management.
The Cray X is a smart, powered exoskeleton that is worn like a small backpack attached to the body with straps at the chest, hips, and thighs. When switched on, it connects to the German Bionic IO system platform and immediately commences its preventive and supportive functions. This is achieved by actively providing additional energy to the wearer.
Thanks to advanced machine learning technology, the AI-based Cray X learns to enhance its support and performance for the individual user with every single operation undertaken. An intelligent sensor system ensures the device always knows when, where and to what degree this additional energy is provided.