Caution tag

Plane Sights introduces the lock-out, tag-out aircraft and industrial safety system with a set of...

Caution tag
Plane Sights introduces the lock-out, tag-out aircraft and industrial safety system with a set of caution tags that come in various colours to characterize level of danger. The lime yellow reflective caution sign tag is used as signage to warn of serious risk to personnel safety and costly equipment damage. The tag has aviation and industrial applications, including in industries where oil and gas may be used. Orange and red colours help deferentiate between the levels and types of danger. The tag features a reflective flag, a waterproof pouch for technician ID, business card or custom tag-out detail sheet. Corrosion resistant grommet is especially designed for a shank lock. The tag is guaranteed for two years in outdoor conditions and is chemically resistant. It reflects colour event at wide angles and is highly visible when wet as well as during dawn and dusk. Product can be washed with soap and water for easy maintenance.