The Nursing Home Workplace Violence Prevention Working Group has released...

The Nursing Home Workplace Violence Prevention Working Group has released a violence prevention tool kit to protect nursing home workers. The kit includes roles and responsibilities documents for boards of directors, management, workers and residents and their sponsors; conduct agreements attached to each Roles and Responsibilities document to be signed by the respective parties; a flow chart with steps to follow in the event of a violence incident; and risk assessment tools. The kit also include awareness pieces such as posters to place in your nursing home, pamphlets raising awareness about violence in nursing homes and promoting the
message that “Violence is NOT part of the job” of health care workers and Safety Talks cards with scenarios, discussion points and questions to consider around various topics relating to violence
prevention in nursing homes. The working group is a collaboration between the New Brunswick Nursing Home Association, the New Brunswick Nurses Union, WorkSafeNB and the New Brunswick Continuing Care Safety Association.
message that “Violence is NOT part of the job” of health care workers and Safety Talks cards with scenarios, discussion points and questions to consider around various topics relating to violence
prevention in nursing homes. The working group is a collaboration between the New Brunswick Nursing Home Association, the New Brunswick Nurses Union, WorkSafeNB and the New Brunswick Continuing Care Safety Association.