Event takes place October 19 along side Canada's Safesty Employers Awards

When Canada’s Safest Employers Awards honours the workplaces demonstrating excellence in their commitment to workplace safety in October, another event will be taking place on the sidelines specifically catering to CEOs.
Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) hosts the CEO Round Table Discussion on October 19th at Hotel X. WSPS president and CEO, Jody Young, says it will unite industry leaders in a dynamic dialogue on fostering workplace safety cultures, with the CEO of the Year Award as a centerpiece.
"WSPS is committed to recognizing transformational leadership that collaboratively builds and nurtures a culture of health and safety and well-being," explains Young. She says the organization's strategic priorities include promoting attitudes and behaviors conducive to a safe workplace, achieved through business outreach and advocacy.
The CEO roundtable aligns seamlessly with this commitment, providing a platform to celebrate and commend C-suite leaders who integrate health and safety into strategic planning and risk management.
"Strong, proactive leadership is the driving force behind workplace safety culture, setting the tone for shared values, influencing attitudes and behaviors, and fostering an environment where workers feel safe, valued, heard, and supported," says Young.
The CEO roundtable discussion promises participants a unique opportunity to interact with nominees for the CEO of the Year Award. These nominees were nominated by their own staff, embodying the qualities of leaders who prioritize their workforce's well-being. Young described these leaders as individuals who "put people first, champion innovative safety values, understand the critical importance of a top-down approach, and lead by example."
Through panel discussions and knowledge sharing, attendees will gain valuable insights into building strong safety cultures within their organizations.
Looking ahead to the year 2024, Young touched on the significant challenges facing safety professionals. She cited findings from WSPS's Health and Safety Leadership Survey, which identified key challenges, including talent attraction and retention, the underestimation of occupational health and safety's value, post-pandemic recovery, and issues related to mental health, stress management, violence, and harassment.
Young says those are some of the challenges CEOs will have a chance to discuss and strategically develop solutions through a vision of shared safety values. "As we move forward into 2024, we're really going to be focusing on root causes—the things that are injuring workers in high-risk workplaces, to work with businesses to develop solutions that will get really strong results to keep people safe."
The CEO roundtable discussion organized by WSPS represents a vital step towards building safer workplaces, nurturing safety excellence, and fostering a culture of health and well-being in organizations across Canada. With insights and experiences shared by esteemed C-suite leaders, the event promises to be an invaluable resource for those committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of their workforce.