How did Bonduelle do it? The success of automating your contractor safety program

How did Bonduelle do it? The success of automating your contractor safety program

There are a number of unique issues that require a more practical framework for tackling contractor safety management. There’s also the question of how new requirements can be consistently communicated, monitored and maintained across the board?

In this industry case study from Contractor Compliance, Lindsay Tamas, Environmental Coordinator at Bonduelle, outlines the challenges and impact of contractor compliance - and how you can regain control over safety practices.  

Are you ready to make the change and achieve success through the Contractor Compliance platform?

Access the free whitepaper and gain insight on: 

  • How you can transform error-prone processes and risks into a lean and mean, streamlined compliance machine 
  • How Bonduelle decreased third-party risk and eliminated admin time required to collect and requalify documents  
  • What led to Bonduelle’s Health and Safety team now having a constant pulse on compliance levels, with access to real-time data and shareable reports  

Take the first steps in elevating your contractor safety program – download your copy now. 


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