SOBEREYE brings new tech to workplace testing for impairment from fatigue, drugs and other causes

SOBEREYE’s impairment monitoring platform is a non-invasive safety tool, easy to use, with rapid results. It provides safety management officers with an objective measurement tool that helps their employees do the right thing without force or coercion from management. Workplace operators check themselves with SOBEREYE’s mobile device.
SOBEREYE is a good way to determine if one of your workers has any impairment ahead of their workday. They simply use the mobile testing device held up to their eyes before beginning work. The SOBEREYE system, in one minute, lets them know if they have any impairment risk that might jeopardize their safety, or the safety of those they work with each day.
The SOBEREYE device checks the users' eyes and in real time accurately measures impairment risk due to fatigue, illness, alcohol, or legal illegal and prescription drugs. The portable device makes it easy to self-test anytime and anywhere. Iris recognition technology identifies the person taking the test and allows unsupervised testing.