Alberta closes first intake of Alberta Jobs Now program

Program to help 14,000 workers get back to work

Alberta closes first intake of Alberta Jobs Now program
The Alberta Jobs Now program is investing up to $370 million over two years to help private sector businesses and non-profit organizations hire and train unemployed Albertans.

The Alberta Jobs Now program has approved approximately 2,700 applications from employers since its launch in May, and the government has provided $182 million for the program, according to the Alberta government.

This would help nearly 14,000 Albertans get back to work in the coming months, and the government closed the first intake for the program on July 23.

“As our economy continues to reopen, we must ensure that all Alberta employers have the opportunity to hire and train the workers they need for their businesses to succeed now and in the future,” said Jason Copping, Minister of Labour and Immigration. “The incredible uptake shows how this investment is helping Albertans get back to work sooner in jobs that will support businesses and strengthen Alberta’s long-term economic recovery.”

The second intake will open on Sept. 16 and close on Dec. 31. More information about the program is available here.

“It is encouraging to see such significant uptake of the Jobs Now program during the first intake period. Preliminary research through Alberta Perspectives shows the program is indeed having the intended effect of encouraging workforce hiring,” said Ken Kobly, president and CEO, Alberta Chambers of Commerce. “Alberta Jobs Now is helping drive economic recovery and getting Albertans back to work.”

The Alberta Jobs Now program is investing up to $370 million over two years to help private sector businesses and non-profit organizations hire and train unemployed Albertans.

From the funding, $185 million is available through federal transfers from the federal government through the Workforce Development Agreement. Another $185 million is available through provincial funds.

Employers can apply for a grant that covers 25 per cent of an employee’s salary for a 52-week period up to a maximum of $25,000 per employee. Also, employers who hire persons with disabilities will receive a grant 1.5 times higher than the amount they receive for other new employees.