Awards to be presented in a September event
SAFE Work Manitoba is looking for nominations for the 2020 SAFE Works Awards, which recognizes Manitoba individuals, safety and health committees and companies or organizations that demonstrate a strong commitment to the health and safety of their workers.
The SAFEty Culture Award is to be given to a workplace with a positive safety culture that ensures safety and health concerns are addressed; leaders are committed to safety and health and trust and respect are essential in the work environment.
The awardee’s workplace culture must also make everyone in the organization feel personally committed to and accountable for safety and health, and that the work environment is inclusive. The organization must also promote continuous learning.
The Worker SAFEty Award goes to an individual who is committed to safe work and is not a safety professional. Nominees must be a safety champion who goes out of their way to make others aware of workplace safety and health and strives every day to make their workplace safer for themselves and their co-workers. Nominations for this award will be accepted from any other individual in the same workplace.
The SAFEty and Health Committee Award is to be awarded to a workplace safety and health committee that takes an active role in improving health and safety in the workplace. Members of the committee must be working as a team to spread safety and health messages and to resolve safety and health issues that arise. Their activities must also strengthen their workplace's culture of safety. Nominations for this award will be accepted from anyone in the workplace who is not a member of the committee.
Those who wish to nominate someone are required to complete an online nomination form that outlines how the nominee has fulfilled the requirements of the nomination category.
Nominations are open until May 8 and can be completed here.
The 2020 SAFE Work Awards will be presented at The Safetys fall gala event on September 17 at the Victoria Inn Hotel and Convention Centre (1808 Wellington Avenue, Winnipeg).